Monday, May 3, 2010

Pauline! The New Musical!

So on Sunday night, my good friend Nathan and I decided to embark on a musical mission. A mission to write a new musical of Epic Proportions. At the moment our working title is "Pauline! The new musical!" but that is likely to change.

Its a satirical peice, Little bit of drama, lot of funny, helluva lot of toe-tappin' joy! Our story is about a family of loveable misfits (including gay guy with girl and cheezels and pet duck) and they move into Pauline's house, but it is haunted by racism and they have to expel the demon bitch's presence. There will be an exorcism tap number where they expel her presence through tapping their toes. Then BAM! Tap challenge!! Evil Spirit of the Racist Ranga's and the Family of Misfits.Meanwhile, the drama of gay boy's coming out will be juxtaposed by the exorcism of the demon. The house is a metaphor for the family drama and the duck will be utilised for comic relief.

Demon Pauline will sing a song called "White Australia, Right Australia" and the audience will throw tomatoes at her a la Shakespearean times. We also are incorporating an Agatha Christie style Mousetrap ending where we tell the audience to keep it cool and not reveal the big twist ending...don't know what that will be yet, but give us time.

Its coming.. Pauline! The New Musical will be amazing. Don't miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty streamers up top:)

    And ambitious content for your new musical. cant wait to see a cast list!!
